Your One-Stop professional service firm

Providing our clients with a strong support and maintenance backbone to complement the high standard of specialised products and services we offer.

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Manage your payroll from anywhere

With anytime, anywhere access and less administration, your business can streamline key payroll processes and gain insights into your workforce for better decision making.

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Key features and benefits

Employment Equity

Gain immediate, easy-to-use access to accurate employee information and a host of key functions like: disciplinary actions, interviews, training, qualifications, career history, renumeration history and more.

Leave Management

Manage leave administration and enforce company specific leave policies, while integrating fully with existing payroll fields eliminating double entries. 

Personnel Management

Accurate employee information at your fingertips including a host of features such as; interviews, training, qualifications, renumeration and more


Manage leave, claims and maintain personal information with this paperless process.

Payroll On The Go

Always available, secure and scalable, this fully cloud-based payroll software with automatic updates, keeps your payroll processes consistently up-to-date and compliant. 

How can we assist your business?

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